I never thought I would say this, but I LOVE spring cleaning. I actually look FORWARD to it! Besides the deep cleaning, which is sorely needed, I wonder if my zeal reflects a celeb

Heating a cabin by wood all day, every day over a LONG winter is such a dusty business. I can easily understand why, in the “olden days”, wealthier people traded out seasonal rugs, draperies, and furniture covers.
When the days warm up enough in May to throw windows open and thaw the drain line of the washing machine, we engage in spring cleaning, which, in our small, two room cabin, takes about three days.
WOODSTOVE: On the first of every winter month, Bryan clears the external chimney shaft of creosote accretions. He pushes, shoves, and rotates a long, extendable fiberglass wand attached to a stiff, round, metal brush (a chimney sweep) through an access “door” at the bottom of the outside chimney. This process is the mechanical equivalent of reducing plaque on teeth or cholesterol in arteries. Otherwise, the build up reduces the draft and increases fire hazard - not a desirable combination in a remote, log cabin.
We wait until spring to tackle the top of the chimney and the stove and chimney inside. For the former, Bryan climbs a steep, two story ladder with a gizmo he created out of a paint roller rod that he uses to chip away the hard, black creosote buildup that clings to the wire mesh “throat” beneath the “cap” at the top of the chimney. This project is a bother. Friends have told us that they have torn out the mesh. Bryan has clipped, with tin snips, what he can reach from the back - about 1/3 of the circumference, so at least on that side, there is nothing for the creosote to cling to. Meanwhile, I brace the bottom of the ladder while wearing a hard hat against a hail like storm of small, hard, sharp creosote that rains down on the back deck, and me. This noise scares the chickens nearby!
After that rather daunting task is completed, we move indoors. First, we remove the 23 gallon aluminum tank above the wood stove that heats water all winter long. Then, we shovel out as much ash as we can from the firebox. (Cold ash is mixed with the chickens' hay as a desiccant that reduces odor and kills mites, and, in spring/fall, I ladle some into garden soil.) Next, we use our shop vacuum to clear out the nooks and crannies in the brick fuel box and the seams of the stone “surround” beneath the stove. After that, Bryan unscrews the 4 foot metal chimney pipe that rises from the woodstove to a 90 degree joint that pierces the back wall. He hauls his piece outside to shake and scrape out the creosote. Meanwhile, inside, I use a large, long handled spoon to scoop out what I can from the 90 degree “elbow” and then deploy shop vac attachments, as far as I can reach. Between the two of us, we remove about 5 gallons of winter build up that would otherwise clog the chimney.
Once he re-installs the interior chimney pipe, I vacuum the floor and clean the stove. The stove's grimy window clears easily with a vinegar soaked rag. The stone “surround” is tougher. Soap and baking soda are clearly not up to the job of removing a winter's accumulation of sticky ashy/sooty coating. TSP is my “go-to” product. On hands and knees, I scrub, rinse, scrub, rinse the stones and then burn a lot of very dirty rags. Every few years, I re-blacken the stove with a product designed for that purpose. This is probably the easiest spring cleaning endeavor. I simply wash the stove with soapy water, let it dry, and then buff in the blackening agent, which coats any rust and stains. Later, I fire up the stove to “cure” it. It looks as good as new.
The wood stove is step 1. Step 2 finds me cleaning EVERY SURFACE in the cabin that the stove has dirtied every time we opened the door to add logs to the fire, which is frequent in winter! Once the drain line thaws for the washing machine, I wash every small rug that will fit. I beat and hose clean the biggest one. Some years I wash every drapery. This year I tried vacuuming all but the dirtiest. Then I leave all cushions and rugs outside overnight (which I do occasionally, anyway, to pick up the clean scent of fresh air, grass, and flowers). Ummm, I inhale deeply as I write that.
Besides the fabrics, all vertical, horizontal, and diagonal surfaces have accumulated a tacky layer of soot, too, even though I clean lightly throughout the winter. With a series of damp rags, I go over EVERYTHING- the log walls, furniture, lamps, windows, sills, books on bookshelves, handles on drawers - even the mason and herb jars on storage shelves.
Finally, of course, I wash the floor, several times, with mixtures of soapy water and vinegar.