To most people who have asked how on earth we have managed to move from a city life in the South to a bush cabin in Alaska, my quip has been “my husband’s mid-life crisis.” Some nod sagely, as though they KNEW it had to be something like that, and then turn to other subjects. Others, though, don’t let us off the hook so easily. They lean in and inquire, “No, really, how?” I sense a plaintiveness in the question: Maybe it means: “I once wanted to do something like that. Maybe it means: “How does one let go?” My impression is that the subtext of these questions is how do you shed a lifestyle loaded with heavy financial and time commitments, like mortgages, car loans, tuition payments, business and social obligations, and all the things we think we are “supposed to buy and do.”
We did not transition quickly. It took many years, starting before Alaska was even considered. While other blog entries describe our life off the beaten path, this entry attempts to reconstruct concrete changes we made that anyone might implement, in advance, in the city, on the job, in order to enable lifestyle changes of their choosing.
I think of the process like brushing a dog. You’ll be surprised by the amount of light weight dead hair you remove from a dog. Afterward, s/he looks exactly the same (or better) and you don't miss the dead hair.
My three
pieces of advice follow, with examples for each:
expenses you don’t value
commitments that cost more in time and money than you value
3) By doing 1 and 2, you will become more
intentional. You will create a “values
map” that makes either/or choices clearer, enabling you to free up dollars and
hours you can allocate in different ways more to your liking.
1) Shed expenses
My husband maintains excellent financial records. Every December, starting about eight years ago, we reviewed our list of all service providers (including insurance(s), car repair, Internet, tailor, hair dresser, website host, bank) to ascertain how much we spent and whether a switch to a competitor or to our own efforts would be worthwhile. We were not cutting services, just analyzing price/value. The first year, we saved $12,000! We were amazed to discover that much fat in the budget, largely, I’m sorry to say, from staying with vendors who inched the price up for “loyal” customers. In more cases than I expected, our threat to move generated a decisive price discount from the exact same vendor. In other cases, we learned something new as a result of our inquiries. For example, we decided to shift insurance to a high deductible plan that would pay for catastrophic care but not normal, annual health care. We found that all of our doctors gave us an automatic 25-33% discount for paying cash at each visit and service (like a mammogram). We paid these bills out of our tax exempt Health Savings Account which was allowed to pay for things, like glasses, beyond the scope of our prior insurance. Over several years, we found that we paid less in out of pocket expenses for services (including outpatient surgeries) than we had previously paid in insurance premiums.
You can
imagine that these results inspired us. For
me, the process became a scavenger hunt for additional “money under the
mattress.” Here are a few examples: Frugal
women recognize the trade-off for dying one’s hair. $8 for a box or $80 at a salon? A change in supermarkets yielded savings of
$100/month. We started eating out at some
favorite restaurants at lunch instead of dinner, attending matinee movies and Tuesday
or Sunday night play performances. I became
more attentive to the crispness (or not) in the crisper drawer of the
refrigerator and became a more creative and attentive cook. When getting together with
friends, we more frequently invited them to eat at our house instead of going
to a restaurant. Not only was it easier
to hear each other (what a concept) but many friends who don’t cook much at
home regarded this as a big treat.
Furthermore, our food bill for four was invariably less than a
restaurant bill for two. With additions like these, the second year we
saved an additional $5000, and on and on through subsequent years.
I feel confident that our experience would be feasible for anyone. Undoubtedly you would choose different vendor changes or savings appropriate to you, but at the end of a year, you would have more money to spend where you value it, rather than where you weren't paying attention, which is the goal to seeding your future goals.
The second
endeavor involved assessments of time as well as money. We were astonished to add up how much time we
spent on various endeavors. We reviewed business networking, socializing, and
charitable commitments. To me, the first
category was the easiest to assess, but we soon discovered how intertwined were
the messages of all these outlets and our reasons for engaging in them.
commitments: If the goal of business networking is to generate revenue (directly
or indirectly), as Dr. Phil would say, “How’s that working for you?” This is
easy to measure. We added up all the
dues and time associated with business networking events. We rated each one according to revenue
generation, pleasure, and lost opportunity cost. Sometimes, those that ranked low on revenue,
we justified by saying, “well, we like those people.” This caused us to evaluate whether we saw “those
people” elsewhere. In the case of friends, we did. In the case of acquaintances, we then assessed
whether the time and cost of membership was higher or lower than the pleasure
of seeing those people we never sought out elsewhere. First we shed
business lunch meetings, because they take up such a large portion of a work
day that the lost opportunity cost was high. Then we scrutinized other business
commitments. Obviously some networking groups offer high value to members of particular
industries. Measure them. In our case, we decided over the next few years to keep a few but ditch most
of them without damage to our businesses.
we assessed the external, superficially business related expenses (networking), we applied
the same rigor to our office expenses. Below
are some easy changes we implemented that might suit a wide range of people, whether employed
or retired.
i) An E-Fax program costs $12/mo. Faxes are delivered to Bryan’s laptop
computer, wherever he is. Goodbye fax machine and unsolicited incoming faxes.
ii) A “virtual” office dropped our office
expenses to less than $100/mo. We have a
street address for mail, staff to meet unexpected visitors and attractive space
for occasional meetings. Most of our clients are remote. Once we added
up how few local clients wanted an office meeting at our place as opposed to theirs or at a restaurant or
Starbucks, it was really easy to shed the cost of an office.
iii) Forwarding our land line to my
husband’s cell phone cut the bill by 2/3.
This means that we don’t have a phone that rings on a desk anymore but
we don’t have to change our number either, which many people/companies hate to
do. Now both sets of calls go straight to his cell phone, wherever he is, whether Mumbai or the boonies of Alaska. I've read that about 15% of Americans have shed their land lines in favor of their cell phone only. It makes sense to me.
iv) Phone messages to the cell phone are
automatically transcribed by Google Talk and sent as a text email with an audio
file to his email account (he has a Blackberry). He finds this helpful when he is in a loud
location where he wouldn’t be able to hear the caller or in zones with poor
cell reception or in meetings where he can't take calls but can discretely check mesages below the table and, if appropriate, forward them to me or others in his business to call back. Frankly, I’m not sure
how important this is but my husband loves it.
v) Notary services are provided by many
service providers we already enlist (offices of lawyers, banks, accountants,
vi) We have found an absolute line of
demarcation between service providers who do and don’t use technology to save
time and money for themselves and their clients. I wonder if some of the
difference reflects sunk costs for snazzy office furnishings and long leases. For example, we saved 50% by switching auditors
to a new one who received rave reviews by clients regarding his use of email,
phone, and fax machine! As an auditor, he
is required to visit each office to review documents in person, but so much
work can be done in advance by technology that the in-office time is much
abbreviated. Our prior auditors sat in
our offices for days, then disappeared, then reappeared, asking to see this
document or that that we could have delivered in a number of ways. No wonder their costs were higher – they were
far less efficient.
Commitments: We did not cut back on small gatherings with close friends, but we
reviewed the large parties we used to host, some of which overlapped with
business and charitable commitments while some were purely social. My father
once made a sage observation. He said
that if you invite someone as a guest three times and he/she doesn’t
reciprocate, you can recognize an unrequited relationship. With this in mind, I reviewed lists of large parties
we had hosted. The resulting short list
of those who had reciprocated was rather humbling. Maybe readers have a different experience, but
I have noticed that most social groups have a minority of repeat hosts, surrounded by
others who may be delightful or at least frequent guests but who never reciprocate. I concluded that part of my prior
interest in hosting big parties was that I was good at it. While there was some
ego satisfaction in that role, it didn’t suffice under our new, strategic
scrutiny of time/money value. So, I donated
a large coffee urn and 4 dozen wine and champagne glasses to a church, for
future use at wedding and memorial receptions.
3. Become intentional
Over the
course of several years, undertaking our strategic evaluation of time and
expenses, we became much more intentional.
For example, we lost touch with none of the people we valued. If we shed an organization, we sought out
those people we liked most or explored competing organizations that provided those services
better. We freed up thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours per year, and
allocated them as we wished to revenue generation, true friendships, family, and
hobbies. We no longer feel as
harried. We no longer say, “we’re too
busy.” My husband’s frequent lower back
aches disappeared.
assessments contributed to a few large decisions, too. For example, we downsized our home. By
2007, we wanted to build a cabin in Alaska and spend several months a year
there. We split the revenue from the larger home
between a smaller high-rise unit in the same neighborhood and cash to build the
Alaska cabin (see blog on "Building a Home 40 Miles from the Nearest Road" and the power blogs).
Having undertaken such a lifestyle change, we seem to be the priests in the confessionals for dozens of men and women who want to make changes but don’t know how. I hope that these sorts of practical ideas may be useful for anyone suffering from a sense of “is this all there is” dissatisfaction in their own lives, coupled with a burdensome sense of expenses and commitments.
Take away points:
Take away points:
1) You may be
able to free up a lot of cash from your existing expenses simply by comparing competitors
with your existing service providers and asking for discounts.
2) By asking
judicious questions about your costs, goals and results, you may be able to ascertain whether you get your money’s
worth from organization memberships, social expenditures, or business/home costs).
3) By checking
out the financial statements of charities you support, you can ascertain how much of your donation funds what you value and also asses which other organizations
do it better/cheaper.
I believe that a lot of people can shed commitments in order to embark on their goals, too,
whatever they may be. Good luck to
those of you who decide to try. I think you will find the process worthwhile.
(I welcome your comments and questions through the "comments" option below any entry. --Laura)
(I welcome your comments and questions through the "comments" option below any entry. --Laura)
Sounds like we have another Suze Orman in the making. Interesting!